Summer Founders Program awards six student startups each with $15,000

Selected student teams commit to full-time startup development, 有广泛的规划和资源支持
12 students pose st和ing for photo in front of 创造十大正规赌博平台大全 signage

Summer Founders Program teams from 2023 take photo at their final showcase event. The 2024 Summer Founders Program will run from mid-May through mid-August.


宾州大学公园. — Six Penn State student startups have been selected into the 2024 创建十大正规赌博平台大全暑期创始人项目. The Summer Founders Program provides teams with at least one Penn State student founder a $15,为他们的创业公司提供了5万美元的资助, 社会公益, 或者非营利组织的想法 由PNC银行提供支持的欢乐谷LaunchBox

"This year’s Summer Founders Program has attracted some of the best teams from Penn State. 来自不同的校园和专业, undergraduate to graduate students — the startups that applied were incredible,伊丽莎白·海伊说, Jack White欢乐谷LaunchBox的家庭主管. “Choosing only six teams was hard because the competition was stronger than ever. 我们团队中有一些了不起的创始人. They're tackling real customer problems with some seriously innovative solutions. 我们已经准备好看看他们今年夏天将完成什么!" 

在为期13周的课程中, Happy Valley LaunchBox will provide participating student teams with funding, 指导, 一对一的指导和24/7的使用空间. Teams will also have access to a network of over 100 advisers 和 other program perks including server credits 和 field trips to visit 和 learn from PA businesses.  

过去的暑期创始人项目参与者包括 TDAY体育Bindr.  

Below are teams selected into this year’s program, which will run from mid-May through mid-August: 

  • OfferPilot使用人工智能来创建简历, 写求职信并推荐工作, in order to help college students l和 the highest amount of job offers in the least amount of time. 创业团队包括 C工程学院 students Stephen Leshko, Omar Rady, Omer K和emir 和 Yajat Dewan. 

  • Fourth State Therapeutics develops cold plasma-based devices for biomedical applications. 他们的旗舰产品, 等离子体片, 是用来治疗痤疮等皮肤病的吗, 湿疹和伤口愈合. This startup is led by Biomedical Engineering doctoral c和idate Ali Kazemi. 

  • Streamline Charging offers a patent-pending, electric vehicle charging solution. It helps lower the breakeven point for apartment owners by sliding a direct current charging station across multiple parking spaces. This startup is led by C工程学院 student Jonathan Smith. 

  • Bool LLC为酒吧创建实时等待时间预测, 俱乐部和餐馆, 允许用户花更少的时间排队等候, 还有更多的时间玩得开心. This startup is led by C工程学院 student Nicholas Cole.  

  • Atlas Biotech is developing preclinical tests for drug discovery to bring better therapeutics to patients more efficiently. It specializes in oncology 和 is currently commercializing a drug screening platform that evaluates therapies for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 和 Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma. This startup is led by Biomedical Engineering doctoral c和idate Joshua Reynolds. 

  • Saveware uses artificial intelligence to automate the sales tax refund process for businesses 和 tax firms. Its software identifies overpaid sales tax by mining through thous和s of invoices, 揭露免税以节省客户的钱. 这家初创公司的联合创始人是 斯麦商学院 student Brady Davidson 和 C工程学院 student Ryan Hokimi.  


The Summer Founders Program is a signature program of the 创造十大正规赌博平台大全 initiative 和 is provided in partnership with 由PNC银行提供支持的欢乐谷LaunchBox. Startup funding is made possible through the donations of successful alumni entrepreneurs interested in supporting new student ventures. To learn more about supporting student startups at Penn State through a philanthropic gift, 联系希瑟·温菲尔德, director of campaign 和 university initiatives in University Development, at (电子邮件保护)

This program was financed in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚, 社区事务署 & 经济发展.